WildJoburg 20
- Distance: 20km
- Elevation: 500m+
- Aid Stations: 2
- Rating: Tough
- Start Time: 07h00
- Entry Fee:
- Preferential (until midnight 31 December 2023) – R175
- Super-Early Bird (until midnight 31 January 2024) – R250
- Early Bird (until midnight 30 April 2024) – R300
- Standard Entry (until midnight 11 July 2024) – R350

WildJoburg 10
- Distance: 10km
- Elevation: 300m+
- Aid Stations: 1
- Rating: Moderate to Tough
- Start Time: 07h30
- Entry Fee:
- Preferential (until midnight 31 December 2023) – R150
- Early Bird 1 (until midnight 31 January 2024) – R200
- Early Bird 2 (until midnight 30 April 2024) – R250
- Standard Entry (until midnight 11 July 2024) – R300

WildJoburg 5
- Distance: 5km
- Elevation: 100m+
- Aid Stations: 1
- Rating: Novice to Moderate (NOT flat)
- Start Time: 08h00
- Entry Fee:
- Preferential (until midnight 31 December 2023) – R125
- Early Bird 1 (until midnight 31 January 2024) – R150
- Early Bird 2 (until midnight 30 April 2024) – R200
- Standard Entry (until midnight 11 July 2024) – R250

All Races
Registration for all races will be open from 06h00 @ Thaba Trails.
Hydration & Nutrition Stations
There will be a minimum of one water table each on the 5km and 10km routes and two water tables on the 20km route. In line with the “Carry Your Own” philosophy there will be no plastic sachets or disposable cups at the water tables, and runners must carry their own portable drinking cups / flasks / bladders. Each water table will stock water, Coke and super energising 32gi sports nutrition drinks. Each water table will also stock basic high energy nutrition items.
Recommended / Compulsory Equipment
We will not require runners on any of the routes to carry any compulsory kit or equipment but will rather expect you to be responsible and to self-guide. Thirsty runners should carry at least 1.5 litres of their own water – do NOT underestimate these trails, especially if it’s looking like being a warm day, even in Winter! Similarly carry food and energy support to suit your own taste / preference. And if it looks like rain, make sure you have some kind of protection. The last two WildJoburg events saw winter rain, and it would be terribly embarrassing to have to be treated for exposure and hypothermia in the middle of Joburg! (although emergency medical professionals will be on hand just in case…). Lastly, don’t forget the sunscreen, and a cap for that horrible hole in the ozone layer.
It goes without saying that everyone is expected to run with a phone with the Race Organiser / Emergency numbers, which will be provided at Race Briefing before each race.

Race Rules, Refund & Substitution Policy

I am in with my wife for the 20 and
LEKKAAA!!! See you guys there!
How are you Warren King,I wld like to participate the event and I wld like to pay in cash the 20k..
I would like to participate
I am really interested to join the trail as a runner.
Awesome! Just enter with these super early bird prices and we’ll see you there!
I’m so interested,feel a bit nervous
Don’t be nervous! Trail is AWESOME!!
Certainly coming, hopefully recovered from Comrades then
Yep you will FOR SURE be recovered by then! See you there!
I’m interested I wanna join
Great stuff! Just enter at http://www.wildjoburg.co.za and we’ll see you there!
I’m interested iwant to join 20 km
Iwant to join 20km
Sweet!! Just enter with these great prices and we’ll see you there!! http://www.wildjoburg.co.za
I would like to enter for 5km
Okay just want to run thiz toughest race
What is the cut of time for the 20km trail?
I’m interested please connect me with the runners in Muldersdrift for lift because I don’t have a car.you can give that person my email address
Iam interested a big deal
I’m interested in this trail run
How are you Warren King,I love the adventure,I never run the wildjoburg trial race,it will be my 1st time,I love to participate on the day.
Tell more about that
Info about entries.
Thank you very much.
Hey Alexander GREAT STUFF!!
You will be able to enter and pay with cash on Race Day. But it will be a bit more than for online entries. Hope that helps!
I’m so interested, my daughter and I are challenging ourselves
AWESOME!!! See you guys both there!
It looks interesting.
Can’t wait for the event super excited
I want to do the 5km but I have never done a race before
Hi Yvonne great stuff! Don’t be nervous 🙂 Just enter online and rock up to register on the 13th July! Easy as that!!
Are there any clubs I can join to prepare for this? It would be my first time.
Also a first timer, starting with the 5k. I’d say just try to run 3 times a week
I want to join